The mission of Cameo Life Stories is to provide a successful method to help women, girls, boys and men write and share their life stories, in order to enhance their own personal wisdom and benefit their families, their communities and history

For Women
This is a life story writing program that features women-only workshops, a woman-centered questionnaire, a women-centered handbook and workbook, and training for women who want to help other women experience the multiple benefits of life review.
Workshops are held at Maidenwood from May through October. Additional workshops and speeches are scheduled in various locations throughout the U.S. Supporting materials and consultation are available through cameolifestories.org.
Since an extremely effective component of the Cameo Method is group work, Cameo Life Stories always welcomes women eager to become “Cameo Coaches,“ facilitators in providing the Cameo Life Stories experience to others. Contact deborahhansen44@gmail.com or 602-920-9365 to learn about CLS training sessions.

For Young Women
This program was developed especially for girls from 9 to 18. It is often used in conjunction with the 4Words rite-of-passage program for adolescents, as a way of helping girls better understand the maturation process and better prepare for womanhood.
First Cameo Life Stories features girls-only workshops, the FirstCameo Life Stories Questionnaire , the FirstCameo Life Stories Handbook and the 4Words Guidebook. The program was developed with the assistance of the Arizona Cactus-Pine Girl Scout Council and presented at the Girl Scout national conference in 2000.
Cameo Life Stories is always excited to train those interested in becoming First Cameo Coaches, facilitators who provide the First Cameo Life Stories experience to young women. Because women’s history scholars report the lack of young women’s stories, CLS is also committed to helping archive the written life stories of girls. For more information, please contact Cameo Life Stories at 602-920-9365, deborahhansen44@gmail.com and visit 4wordsjourney.com.

For Men
The Journeyman Life Stories program is specifically geared for men, with men-only workshops and materials, including the carefully crafted Journeyman Life Stories Questionnaire. Cameo Life Stories teaches the Cameo Method, the best way we know to help people complete the life review process and reap the maximum rewards. Our life experience is our greatest treasure, but only if we learn to recognize its value.
The Sophia Smith Collection at Smith College has clearly voiced its welcome of life stories by men, especially those which cast authentic light on men’s attitudes, roles and relationships with women.
Training is provided for men interested in providing the Journeyman Life Stories experience to other men as workshop Coaches. For more information on workshops, materials or training opportunities, please contact deborahhansen44@gmail.com or 602-920-9365.

For Young Men
Boys aged 9 to 18 will benefit greatly from this program, which also enhances the effectiveness of 4Words and the 4Words Celebration. The Young Journeyman Life Stories Questionnaire is specially designed to help boys and young men gain perspective on their complex maturing process. This age group is not too young to begin gleaning wisdom from experience through the process of life story writing or life review.
Women’s history scholars have declared that history lacks the voices of young men and young women, so CLS encourages the archiving of adolescent life stories whenever possible. CLS can assist with archiving.
Anyone interested in training as a Coach for the Young Journeyman Life Stories program may contact deborahhansen44@gmail.com or 602-920-9365. Visit 4wordsjourney.com!

4 Words
4Words is rite-of-passage program to assist adolescents in becoming successful adults.
The highlight of 4Words is the 4Words Celebration, which celebrates one of the most significant transitions in any life--the journey from childhood to adulthood. This is a fun and always moving ceremony in which a young person’s family, friends, teachers (and sometimes pets!) gather to present the VIP child with gifts symbolic of the tools he or she will need on the challenging road to maturity and wisdom.
The 4Words Guidebook provides detailed instructions for young people and parents on how to plan and conduct a rewarding 4Words Celebration. The effectiveness of the ceremony is increased with use of the FirstCameo Life Stories materials for girls and the Young Journeyman Life Stories materials for boys. The 4Words program has been a milestone experience for many girls in Scouting and for boys and girls in families throughout the U.S.
For more information, contact Cameo Life Stories at 602-920-9365 or deborahhansen44@gmail.com. Visit www.4wordsjourney.com!